The Lake Fenton Property Owners Association (LFPOA) has participated in the goose nest destruction programs offered by the wildlife division of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and US Agriculture Department for over 10 years. Per the DNR biologist, Julie Oaks, Lake Fenton has an excess of waterfowl due to the Lake being fully developed, which reduces natural predation. The Agriculture Department is control of all migrating birds. 1. Goose Nest Destruction The primary reason the LFPOA sought out the nest destruction programs was to minimize hazards to residents. The primary one is the reduction of E. coli in the water or other bacteria harmful to humans. For example, E. coli is an intestinal bacterium that can cause several illnesses in humans such as diarrhea, UTI’s, respiratory infections and pneumonia. A typical goose will expel 1-1.5 lbs. of excrement per day in the water, resulting in high E. coli levels and other viruses’ such as avian, bird flu. Learn more about E.Coli on our lake. Lake Fenton has had several beach closings in the past due to excessive E. coli counts.
Other lakes haven’t been so lucky. In 2023, several lakes and rivers statewide were closed due to E. coli. Questions about Goose Nest Destruction How does goose nest destruction occur? In the spring, DNR-authorized workers search the lake shore for goose nests. If they find one, they remove the eggs and destroy the nest. In some cases, the goose pair will make a new nest and lay a second batch of eggs. Otherwise, they will move and re-nest in a more secure area. Can’t you just move the geese to a new area? Goose roundups are possible, but many areas in Michigan are reluctant to take geese due to the fear of spreading Avian Flu. Why not leave the geese alone? There is a large population of geese in Michigan. For example, Michigan’s estimated spring population of resident Canada geese has increased from 9,000 in 1970 to 201,000 in 2009. Geese are attracted to areas that provide food, water, and protection. Urban and suburban developments with manicured lawns, lakes, and ponds offer all the resources that geese need to survive. Because our lake is so popular with geese, human goose conflicts occur. Besides the danger of E. coli in swimming water, many lake residents complain of docks constantly filled with goose droppings. In some cases, the geese will become aggressive during nesting season. While “scare tactics” like dogs, motion detectors or noise systems can help, they only serve to move the geese from one dock or lawn to the next one. What does goose nest destruction cost? The Lake Fenton goose nest destruction program costs homeowners nothing. The entire program is paid for by voluntary dues to the Lake Fenton Property Owners Association. 2. Swan Nest Destruction Swan nest destruction is the general term for controlling the Mute Swan. Mute swans were brought to Michigan in 1919 to decorate parks and estates. These captive swans escaped and established a feral population. With their numbers growing quickly, this non-native swan is causing conflicts and damage across the state. Mute swans are known as one of the world’s most aggressive waterfowl species. One tragic story that made the news was an attack on a kayaker on a Chicago Pond in 2012. A swan rushed at his kayak, knocking him into the water, and then prevented him from swimming to the shore, resulting in his death by drowning. In addition, mute swans drive out native waterfowl and other wetland wildlife with their hostile behavior. Mute swans will chase native breeding birds from their nests. This has resulted in a reduction in the number of native Trumpeter swans. Because mute swans are considered an invasive species in Michigan, the DNR has authorized their removal with a permit. See the DNR information here. The other issue with mute swans is their contribution to higher E. coli levels in the lake. A full-grown mute swan can excrete 4-6 pounds per day. Questions about Swan Nest Destruction How does mute swan nest destruction occur? Like goose nest destruction, the process involves Agriculture Wild Life Division, or a trained person working under a permit, authorized workers searching the lake shore for mute swan nests (trumpeter swans are a protected species). If they find a mute swan nest, they dip the egg in corn oil. This stops hatching, and has the added benefit that the swans will not lay a new clutch of eggs that season. Can’t mute swans be trapped and relocated? Mute swans are difficult to trap. And because they are considered an invasive species, there are no areas in Michigan they can be released to. What does mute swan nest destruction cost? The Lake Fenton good nest destruction program costs homeowners nothing. The entire program is paid for by voluntary dues to the Lake Fenton Property Owners Association. Is it true that mute swans were once native to America? No. Mute swans are a non-native species first brought to this country from Europe in the late 1800s for decoration in parks and estates. The reason biologists know mute swans are non-native is that they are a non-migratory bird. The birds are sedentary and will establish a year-round population where there is open water that does not freeze during the winter, or in urban areas where they are fed. Only when the lake freezes will they move south until they find open water. Conclusion LFPOA is always looking for ways to keep the Lake safe and healthy for all that use it. This is the reason we started, pay for and support goose and mute swan nest destruction programs.
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